Hello folks, I’m a little new to makeup. I had a few foundations but never had one which I thought was a really good match. I currently own Estee Lauder Double wear 2v2 (pale almond), and that’s what it looks like on me. I think it’s too orange (my eyesight color isn’t that good haha) but I don’t know if it’s because I didn’t recognize my shade well (this specific foundation is under – cold tones), or because it’s too dark for me. I also tried the revlon sable beige which was too yellow on me so I really need help with that. I paired them in store and the salespeople weren’t very professional so would love a lot of help here, thanks 🙂 also if anyone has a recommendation for light hydration, with a shine to natural finish, would be awesome https: // preview .redd.it / t9uy02r8rgz61.jpg? width = 282 & format = pjpg & auto = webp & s = ee9d75c74e4e2dbbbe3d0bead8779aeff38d2a3c

[the lightning was abit too yellow here](https://preview.redd.it/06zyp3r8rgz61.jpg?width=267&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0da44169dab624c44a896998b7f24d4cb00a799b)