I really want to have the [Glossier Brow Flick](Https://www.glossier.com/products/brow-flick?g_campaign=CA_Google_Brand_ACQ_R_Makeup_Product_AGT&g_campaignid=981058763&g_adgroupid=69679685463&g_adid=397753704233&g_keyword=glossier%20brow%20flick&g_keywordid=aud-769106697486:kwd-752509812426&gclid=CjwKCAiArbv_BRA8EiwAYGs23ByPu8Ir8z08zAwbx5U-hSsfcnjN_647cNf6K5PJWJ5ZHantDd35TxoCglAQAvD_BwE) pen, but I can I can’t find it where I’m from – I don’t live near a Sephora and I don’t really want to order it from the Glossier website or Amazon just because of the shipping costs. Does anyone know of a similar product that I can get from Shoppers Canada or Sally’s Beauty Canada? Thanks for the help!