I have such a hard time with the lighting. When I can really take a picture during the golden hour, or sometimes in diffused outdoor lighting, they come out much better. But with my physical disabilities and my lack of emotional regulation, it sucks when I really have motivation and energy, but it doesn’t match the ideal conditions ๐Ÿ˜ญ Anyway, I still want some lighting consistent (i.e. not bathroom ceiling lighting) evenly illuminating my face for applying makeup. So I bought a mirror with lights: it was good reviews, it’s a rectangle with two additional enlarged mirrors that unfold and small lights all around the edge of the middle mirror. It works … okay. It has very cold lighting which is not particularly bright. I am open to new options. Yet even when I am able to create a look that I am proud of that I would like to share, 90% of the time the colors seem washed out no matter what. I had slight success facing a brightly lit light against a white wall and only using the reflected light (coming close to what photographers do with umbrellas). The point is, I’m just not in a physical state where I can rearrange half of my bedroom in the hopes of getting a good photo and still having my makeup often, which looks aggressive in person. , which looks washed out, barely visible. I’m not sure if I should have a circular light and put a mirror behind to apply makeup and my phone behind to capture the photo. I am open to any suggestion or material that you have found useful. I would be delighted with an โ€œall in oneโ€ or at least a little simple solution. But idk i just want to enjoy makeup again lol I’ve been hiding here for quite a while and the community has really inspired me to reclaim the femininity in myself (which as a non-binary transmasculine person was a big step) ). So thank you to all the members of this community, I hope I can overcome my “technical difficulties” and participate more ๐Ÿ’– – Izzy (they / them) ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐Ÿณ๏ธ