Hello neighbors. I just wanted to make a quick note on post deletions and rules: the rules for this sub were created by community members through a suggestion and vote system. We’ll be more than happy to have a new voting and re-suggestion thread for the rules in a few weeks if that’s what the community here wants. Also: remember that moves are never personal. We don’t delete messages just because of who you might be. Posts are removed for various reasons that break the rules. If your post was deleted and you didn’t get a reason for deletion, it was probably deleted by automod for over-reporting. If this happens, you are always welcome to email us for any clarification. If your post was deleted and you got a reason for deletion and you disagree, you can email us for clarification. We ask that you do not name, insult or berate mods if your post is deleted and you message us. This has happened several times over the past few weeks and most often it is due to poor communication or automatic deletion of messages containing excessive reporting.