I really don’t know what my skin tone / shade is. Am I cool / warm / neutral / olive? I was paired with a neutral foundation in a Mac counter. I wear both silver and gold jewelry, but I’m a little drawn to silver. I think I look better in white than off white / yellow clothes. But, I think I’m better at slightly saturated colors as opposed to pastel colors. I have been both blonde and brunette, but I think I look better with dark hair. However, my friends / family said I looked hotter. I don’t burn easily but will burn if I’m at the beach. I have provided images of my wrist (which looks mostly blue but looks green around the edges) and photos of my face in natural light (at different times of the day). https://preview.redd.it/yk5nexua5ht61.jpg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=375c1fe49d2534f5d6028af757f99725dbcf84a9 https://preview.redd.it/8uwwthx5.ht4pg61width61width61weed6wwidth61weed569wwidth6l9width6pjpjpg pjpg & auto = webp & s = b832ad8f22cd0ffe35a486c32dab02822607fbad